They will use exclusively round shields, and an orderly round shield wall will never be pierced by any attack. They will also have a selection of blades and other thrown weapons. Be it battle axes, two-handed axes, throwing axes, or forks with axes.

What they lack in those two areas they make up in high quality infantry. When gathering a Nord force you will immediately notice a substantial lack in cavalry, as well as a general lack in proper ranged units. A Nord Huscarl might not have a war-horse like a Swadian Knight, but his axe does the talking. These merry fellows, who look like Vikings, are the strongest shock troops you can find. Mount and Blade: Warband Quick Guide to the Nations Kingdom of Nords Orange- Swadia, White- Vaegirs, Blue- Nords, Yellow- Sultanate, Purple- Khergit, Green- Rhodok. In this guide we will look briefly at each nation, so that you might have an easier choice deciding who is best sided with, at the beginning. But to the more careful observer, each nation, both as a starting point, ally and unit choice has its individual strengths and weaknesses. The choice might feel like purely a “starting point”, since you can go anywhere you wish on the map, do whatever you like, without any “national constraints”.

Mount and Blade: Warband already from the start throws you into somewhat deep waters, asking you where do you wish to begin your adventure. Mount and Blade: Warband Quick Guide to the Nations